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Happy New Year, Janet

December 31, 1998

So this is how the year ends for me
I’ve got one guy interested in me
Well, maybe two

and I have another couple of million
That, well, aren’t interested.

Kind of like last year

It’s a shame
That I had to go through so much this year
And it has all made me think
That I should be doing more with my life

And I should be experiencing more
And I should be living more

It’s like there is a little time bomb
In my head and it wants to go off
And now it’s just biding time

I guess that is what I have been doing
All of these years too

So what do I have to show for it

A few more scars
Mental and physical

That is a funny way to look at things, though

the scars

and I don’t know what I have to show for it

All this time people have been telling me
That I am worth it
And that I have value
And it is as if I just don’t want to listen

Or I just can’t hear them

That’s just how my mind works

I guess that is how my life goes

I’m one more year closer to the Millennium
And I am one more year closer to death

It’s like that in a way I have a timer
I’m just waiting for everything to happen

So, Janet, Happy New Year
Hope it is better than last year
And hope you get everything you want
Happy New Year, Janet

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.