accounts for the need
of gun control
January, 1995
One day a man decided to kill people.
A shooting spree. So he went into a
gun shop, picked up a pair of assault
rifles, a number of rounds, each of
one hundred bullets. And he bought
these things, he didn’t need a
permit or a license. Just walked in
and out. And he went to an office
building to take out his revenge
on the world. My wife was there,
took five bullets in the back. I wonder
if she suffered before she died. We went
on a ski trip together last Christmas.
She looked so beautiful with the
snow in her hair. This man didn’t need
a license, and yet I needed a permit to
retrieve my wife’s ashes from the
crematorium. He didn’t just do this to
her, you know. Or to the other victims.
He’s tortured me, and our baby girl. Our
girl is darling. She’s blond, like her
mommy. We have to live with
this trauma forever. This should not
be how we have to live.
As my girl’s second birthday approached
this year, I asked her what she
wanted. She said she wanted
to see mommy. Guess what
she is going to want for her

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.