Once Took Poetry to the Streets
Kuypers also After the release of “Taking Poetry to the Streets” (after reading poetry in Nashville, New Orleans and Naples in December 22nd thru December 28th, 2008), Kuypers decided that an archived collection of her writings read on different streets was due. So enjoy this collection of videos of poetry readings literally on the streets, or in restaurants, or bars... in hotel rooms and swimming pools, on mountains, at gravesites, and even at the hangar while waiting to jump from an airplane. These poems are read in assorted cities over the years.
NOTE: because there are so many videos in this collection, videos are not embedded here, but links to the videos are included on these pages.
This collection of poems and videos does not include studio recordings of her reading poetry for audio sampling, nor does it include any poetry from performance art shows. This collection also does not include and poems that were samples with Galapagos video footage or Pacific Ocean footage for video display.
Kuypers also released a chapbook ofpoems read while reading poetry in the streets (and in cafes and restaurants too), called Once Took Poetry to the Streets.
...on to the poems:
Many of the poems in this live collection were audio recorded and collected into the CD release Live.
Order the LIVE track on CD 10 or CD 11 from the CD set Live (an extensive 13 CD 2010 CD set) 
(Because of the extensive size of this CD set, the easiest way to find the track in iTunes is to open iTunes, go to the iTunes store and search the author name Janet Kuypers and the title of the track - or often include the date, since many pieces were read on different dates, and it can find the track for you)
(pretty much in order from most recent recording to oldest recordings in this list... See the date and location under each video for exact dates and locations for recordings)

Rain |

Watch this YouTube video
(:41) read while filming the remainder of a rain storm 05/05/08. The video footage is of water hitting a puddle in a driveway, reflecting treetops.
You can also see the above YouTube video
at Google Video
Ranther read it? Then check out the original writing |
download the chapbook Once Took Poetry to the Streets

Falling From the Sky |

Watch this YouTube video

(:56) Janet Kuypers reads the 2007 poem "Falling From the Sky", written in the car hours before Kuypers read this poem in Longmont, Colorado, on 06/16/07 hours before Kuypers jumped out of an airplane

The YouTube video above is also at
Poetry Visualized
Ranther read it? Then check out the original writing |
download the chapbook Once Took Poetry to the Streets

Pressure On Me Again |

Watch this YouTube video
:53, Janet Kuypers reads the 1998 poem "Pressure On Me Again" (written very shortly after a near-fatal car accident, where she was almost killed while stopped at a street intersection), read on Lookout mountain in Golden, Colorado, on 06/15/07
Ranther read it? Then check out the original writing |
download the chapbook Once Took Poetry to the Streets

Content With Inferior Men |

Watch this YouTube video
1:11, read on Lookout mountain in Golden, Colorado, on 06/15/07

The YouTube video above is also at
Poetry Visualized
Ranther read it? Then check out the original writing |
download the chapbook Once Took Poetry to the Streets

Infallible |

Watch this YouTube video

1:00, read while leaning on the back of her car on 06/11/07 (where you can’t really see the Darwin fish bumper sticker on her left in the video or the Macintosh logo walking fick bumper sticker on the right of the screen)
Ranther read it? Then check out the original writing |
download the chapbook Once Took Poetry to the Streets

On An Airplane With a Frequent Flyer |

Watch the YouTube video
1:51, shot at O’Hare Airport, just after a flight to Hawaii 12/2/01 |

The YouTube video
above is also at
Poetry Visualized
Ranther read it? Then check out the original writing |
download the chapbook Once Took Poetry to the Streets
