chapbooks with poetry and prose by kuypers


a year in the life

A Year in the Life

Chapbook by Janet Kuypers

The Sky Is Always Blue

This painting looks incomplete. Boring.
Here. Let me put a splash of color into the
sky. But no, you say,
the green looks wrong.
That’s not how the sky is.

But I only wanted something
different. The sky is always blue. You
might like it. Why do you have to say no?

Quite Happy Looking

This smile I made for myself --
do you
see it? I made it
out of clay,
and I shaped it
to be quite happy
looking. I parted
the lips and
curled up the edges.
I even
polished the teeth. It looks real.

It was a very
good looking smile.
But not even the clay
I shaped and
molded can last forever,
and now
the sides curl down.
The clay
looks tired from
holding this pose.
I’m not fooling you
anymore, am I?

Listen To What
You’re Not Hearing

I feign a smile
as the breeze comes
bouncing off the building
sweeping around
the backs of my legs

When the breeze
took my hair
it licked your face

You were annoyed

I wasn’t surprised

You asked me
what was wrong

I said, “nothing“

And you believed me

I’m not trying to
make any moves

because I’m afraid
I’ll make the
wrong move

I don’t mean to
annoy you

Listen to
what you’re not


The naivity is over.
Now we must put our little toys away
and stop playing house.
This is the real thing,
and I won’t fool around anymore.
Not with you.

You threw around the words
“I love you”
as if they were no more than water
as if you really didn’t know
their value.

But this isn’t a game,
and when I get hurt
kissing it
won’t make it better.

How Could I Not Love You

In hysterics, we danced as we
crashed the Chinese New Year’s ball

You taught me how to waltz

Blushing, we listened
to your best friend as me
if you were opening up sexually

I told him there was no problem

I remember when we filled
the prophecy of your horoscope
by sharing champagne at the
fire place at the end of the week

we even roasted marshmallows

nervous, i stood in the amphitheater
and serenaded you

I’m sure I sang off key, but
you said you loved my voice

You gave me a long-stemmed rose
when you made me dinner,
when we went downtown,
when you came back from church

i kept those roses

teeth chattering, we sat on a tire
and kissed at the playground at

It was bitter cold, but I didn’t care

The thought of you
puts a sparkle in my eye
and I can’t help but smile
whenever I see you

How could I not love you

pocket knife

I saw you there
throwing her on the floor
like another one of your toys.
I had to pull out my army knife
and slit your face;
I had to watch the
blood stream from your open wounds
at the same speed as the apologies
that parted from your lips.
It was almost hard
to keep up with your show,
but I must admit
that it was good entertainment.

You know,
I still couldn’t help but notice
that your pocket knife
was bigger than the one I bought
for myself.
An extra blade or two,
a better pair of tweezers.
And you were so proud
of your little gadgets,
and you were so sure
that it was a better pocket knife.
But I can’t help but think
that not only does mine
do the job,
but it does the job well,
and because you never use yours
it’s all just a waste.

finest feeling

Drench me
in the finest furs
surround me
in the rarest silks of the Orient.
Rest me in the clouds.
I don’t care.
I still contend
that the finest feeling
is laying
with my head
on your shoulder

I Knew I Had To

(black candles)

I knew I had to

And so I walked into their bedroom
and killed them

A gun to the head:
my stepfather first,
and then my mother,
awakening to her death

As I opened the door
my room smelled like burning
as the black wax
coated my carpet

I sat on the floor,
pulled out the book
and began to read

“You must do it, my son,”
the voice said to me

Yes, I know

find myself

I had my own ring
but on days I’d forget to wear it.
You had your own vows
but your memory seemed to fail you.
You were foreign to me:
a frightening foreign,
an exciting foreign.
Do I know your name?
Do I care?
Let me just take off my ring,
I thought,
and put it behind
the frame on the dresser
where I cannot see it
I was only resigned to the thought:
if I forgot myself with you,
if I was lost with you,
I would only remember again
and soon find myself.

i see the scene

Every once in a while
I see the same scene again:
I lay in the bed
the field of daffodils
with you draped over me
folding over me
conforming to my body
like a rustling curtain
rippling in the breeze from an open window.
I do not sleep.
I couldn’t,
I would never want to.
Our contours interlock,
our limbs intertwine.
Your breath rolls down my stomach
like the breeze that brought you to me.
I take your hand,
and although you sleep
you seem to hold me
with all the intensity you possess.
And with each beat of your heart,
with your heat,
comes the cool night air in the wind
caressing me
until the light from the morning sun
awakens our silhouette.

put it to rest

please put it to rest
i can’t even think anymore
i have a life to lead
and all you can do is
come to me
and remind me
don’t come to me anymore
don’t talk to me
don’t love me
the past may be vivid in your mind
but your wretched pathetic
scare me
and while i live in the present
you try to push me
and i can’t be pushed two years


You asked me to the masquerade
and I willingly complied
but I’m tired of wearing this dress
for the feathers in my costume
won’t stop licking my face
and you cannot see the tears
falling behind my mask -

When you seethe price they pay
I’m sure you’ll come and join
the masquerade, you say
but the price is too high
for I don’t want to wear a mask
with you, and I would only hope
that I don’t have to.

all men have secrets

all men have secrets and here is mine.
Strength is my weakness
and now my shoulders don’t stay in place.
You ask me to open my eyes
but they are. At least I think they are.
Why don’t you take me in your arms?
Why don’t you seduce me?
Tear me in half. Rip me apart.
Just don’t cast me aside.
I don’t want to be strong. Be strong
for me, so that I can adjust my chin
and not have to worry about
whether or not my eyes are open.


I stand in a room full of strangers
leaning against a wall
a wallflower
but I was content with knowing no one
with knowing you

beer glass in hand
you introduce me to
the vast assortment of drunken fools
you call your friends
and I stand there
merely happy to be by your side

a stranger
intoxicated to the point of being comatose
tells me I’m pretty
but I really don’t care
because I have you
you are all I need

as the rest of the party imbibes to no end
and you take yourself
down the road to oblivion
I stay leaning
leaning against the wall
and I watch
you sing a song with your buddies
laugh at the stupidest jokes
eat dog food
and I keep thinking
that this was all I needed to be happy

you seemed to be
all that mattered in the world to me
how was I to know
that I was leaning against the wall
because you gave me no support

I Sat There

I sat there
in the shade
I took
a stick
I wrote
your name
in the ground
preacher says
the number one
sin is lust
then I am
to Hell
and I
don’t care
preacher says
for if
the elements
wash away
your name tonight
I will
be back
to write it

Cried Alone

I have always cried

I couldn’t help but
find a place to myself
and that I would no longer have to
swallow the tears

The salt water
burned my face

The silent pleas killed me

I couldn’t escape it

The past came to
haunt me
and it didn’t care
how much it hurt me

It just laughed
when I thought I was free
and it waited
for the right moment
to twist the knife

To tighten the noose

And I quietly took the pain

I decided I had to
move on

I had to pick up the
lingering parts of the past
and put them in their place

Where they belong

But I
couldn’t do that alone

I wanted to remember the unclenched fist

And when you helped me
in the fight
I actually felt strong again

And I don’t cry anymore

Copyright Janet Kuypers. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission.