Sensuality in Poetry
2005 Chicaog Poetry Fest chapbook by Janet Kuypers

grab the others neck
I dont know where to start
I dont know where all these feelings come from
I dont know how to stop them
These feelings seem to come rushing up to me
And I dont seem to have any control over them
And I hate myself for this
And Im not supposed to be having these urges
And I hate myself for thinking that you may want me too
You know, I dont know much of anything about you
And I guess you dont know much about me
But I like what I know
Because in some respects you seem like me
Yes, I like what I know
That you work too much
And have too much drive
And you have a wild side
And you do your best to keep your wild side in check
And I still want to
Be able to straddle you
Take off your glasses
Mess up your hair
So you get strands falling around your eye
touching your cheek
And touching you
To remind you of me
And grab the hair at the back of your head
And cock your head back
Just so I can see your mouth starting to open
Because God, I want to see that
And it would make me know Im right
And it makes me know that you want me too
And Id let your hair go
And you would stare at me
And give me a look I just cant explain
And cant argue with
And have to submit to
And when I want this
I would wonder
Who would grab the others neck
For the kiss
I still dont know who would make that move
Or who could make that move
So Im begging you to start this cycle
Im pleading you
I dont want to be the only one with these fantasies
Tell these stories to me
Tell me youve thought these things too
Tell me you know that were both stuck
Because you know theres nothing we can do
And I know this too
But Id like to hear you say it
To validate my fantasies, in a way,
Because Id love to hear you talk that way to me
Im a sucker for that, you know
But tell me Im not alone in this
So Im begging you
Im pleading you
Tell me Im not insane for thinking about you
Tell me you have these fantasies too

praying to idols
every onc in a while
i question whether or not there is a god
bu i changed my mind
i thought i have found him
he had dark hair
almost black
just like a god should
and he had these blue eyes
not just blue
almost white
so light
they look like glass
and you could almost see right through them
and could i see right through you
if you gave me the chance?
id clasp my rosary necklace
and pray to the right gods
and wouldnt they be you
and id let the necklace drape over my shoulders
around my neck
and id let the rosary fall between my breasts
and you would forgive me that much more for my sins
how many hail marys
would you want me to say
id ask
i cannot believe i have seen you
and i have talked to you
and does everyone get to see their god like this
and does everyone remember
why do you have to be my god
why did i have to see you
and talk to you
and realize how young you are
and realize how inexperienced you are
i mean, youre supposed to be the god
youre supposed to be teaching ME
is this what people think
when their gods let them down
did you let me down
or did i just never know
what i was looking for?
is this what people think
when they realize
they are only praying to idols
what then?

the Muse, the Messiah
I can see you now
hunched over, pouring yourself into
your work, scattered papers,
dim lights flooding
white over the glaring screen, in
your otherwise
darkened corner of the
world. And I know you can feel me
now, feel me rushing in
through the window
that you leave only slightly open
at night,
rushing in with a faint
whistle, circling around your neck, curling
up around your
jaw, opening your mouth
so slightly. You can feel my rush
chilling your teeth.
You tilt your head
back, closing your tired eyes
from your problems,
from your future in front
of you, on those pages, on that screen,
under that white
light. You let me open your
mouth more and more, you feel me
swirling around your tongue,
down your throat, into
your lungs, like smoke from a clove
cigarette when you hold
your breath to feel
the high, feel the ecstacy just a little
longer, or like steam rushing
down your throat when you
take a deep breath the summer morning
after a heavy fog.
You open your eyes.
You lick your lips. I make you
do that, I make you
forget your world. You can
feel me there, you cant escape me. Im
there. Im your muse.
And Im sitting in my
apartment, and when I reach out my arm
shadows of my hand
stretch across the wall.
There is no music, but I begin to
move my hands, like
a ceremony, as if to
a drummed out rhythm, like the pant
of a mistress as she
walks down the hotel steps
into her car after seeing her savior, like waves at
the sea slowly crashing
at the shoreline.
The phases of the moon are changing,
and the waves are crashing
with more and more
intensity, with more and more
power, faster and
faster. And at this very
moment you walk down a street somewhere,
it is daylight,
and you see the white moon
peering toward you from the sky. The
moon was looking
for you. It wanted to
watch you. You divert your eyes,
step off the curb,
and for no reason walk
in the middle of the street. There is no traffic.
You are safe. And
the moon watches the stride
of your step, and the moon watches my hand,
and the moon hears
the rhythmic pant of
intensity, and the moon rises the water.
We feel the drumming beat.
The phases of the
moon are changing. There is no reason why
you should question this.
You can feel me. I
will keep you safe. I will keep you
alive. Im your messiah.

the light from you
the flames leap up
licking my lips
touching my skin
the fire moving
in its desirous dance
the smoke intoxicates me
as the remnants
from the desirous inferno
drum a rhythmic beat
and crackle as they burn
the ashes fall
tickling my face
sliding down my throat
coating my lungs
making every breath
a desirous pant
I chain myself
my body falls limp
I am entwined
with the desirous world
the desire from you

The light, the flames
from you leap up.
Licking my lips,
touching my skin.
The fire moving in its
dance of desire.
The smoke intoxicates me
as the remnants of the inferno
drum a rhythmic beat.
The ashes fall sprinkling,
tickling my face;
Sliding down my throat,
coating my lungs;
Making every breath
a desirous pant.
I chain myself. My body falls limp.
I am entwined with the desirous world.
The desire from you.

The Way You Tease Me
What I think I like the most about you
is the way you always leave me wanting more.
When you kiss me, and we start to pull back
I want to cock my head and kiss you again
but I never know if youll let me.
What I think I like the most about you
is the way you roll your sultry deep voice over me
like a wave of heat on a summer afternoon.
You use a pause to tease me with your words
until sweat dances down my hairline and tickles my neck.
What I think I like the most about you
is the way you slide your arms around my waist
and make me just want to collapse in your grasp
and run my hands up and down your back
until I hear you moan and sigh.
What I think I like the most about you
is the way that absence makes the heart grow fonder
and when we touch you say we should take it slow,
take our time, enjoy every moment
and you know, you couldnt be more right.
What I think I like the most about you
are the things that make me think I have to fight for you
are the things that make me second guess myself
because nothings ever easy, not you, not me,
not relationships, not sex, not love.
What I think I like the most about you
is the wondering, is the waiting, is the teasing.
Thats what I like. This high-charged guessing game.
The flirting. The first touch. The first everything.
Thinking about the possibilities. Yeah. Thats what I like.

This May Sound
I dont know
this may sound silly
but every night
just before
Im about to sleep
I think of you
and when I
turn out the light
and crawl into my
empty bed
a piece of me feels
I dont know
what it is
but I feel a hole
right about where
my heart is
when I have to
lay there
night after night
all alone
when I am with you
I feel as if
I am complete
I feel as if
nothing in the
world matters
when youre
holding my hand
with your
heart near me
then I can sleep
and then I
fall into my
empty bed
and I feel the
hole again
burning through
my heart
and I wish
I didnt feel
so alone
and I wish
the hole would
just go away

Rolled up sleeves,
Dark denim, strings pulled
At the buttons
Your hands, the
Rough edges, the nails
Jagged, not cut
Your fingers, Ive
Noticed them: one has
A long scar
Along the tip, and
Your skin is rough
Along the nails
Your hands, theyre
Skilled hands of an
Artist at work:
And like a
Conductor, you
Bring beauty
From the dying
Flowers at
The table. They
Line up quickly,
At attention:
Fall into
Place so gracefully.
You create
Move mountains, Seas
Part for you.
You can do
Anything. I
See that now.
You must be
My savior. Let me
Follow you.
Let me create
Beauty in your
Name, let me
Feel your power.
Its all in your
Hands, your heart,
Your mind:
Ive seen you stop
Wars, feed the
Hungry. Why are
You so strong? Why
Are your flowers
So beautiful

All material in this collection copyright © 2004 Janet Kuypers. Though material may be quoted and attributed to Kuypers, all rights are reserved.
