chapbooks with poetry and prose by kuypers


The Story With The Answers

the 1997 chapbook by Janet Kuypers

still no answers

the parents refused to believe
that their son would kill himself.
it’s not like our son; he was not

a quitter. the police believed the
blood on his shirt was from an
act of violence he committed

just before he went into his own
garage and fell asleep. he wasn’t
willing to face the consequences

of his violent actions; maybe he
killed someone, maybe someone
would come forward and put him

in jail. no, no, his parents said,
there must be foul play here. and
they managed to have the case re

opened when they discovered only
trace amounts of carbon monoxide
in his blood stream. he was dead,
or dying, before he got to the
garage. the blood was probably
from a struggle he had in trying

to survive. this was murder,
made to look like suicide, but who
did this, is that their son’s blood

on his shirt, did he suffer, did
her even die while he was in his
own home? still no answers.


He woke up in the cold room,
just as he had done so many
days before. The room looked
like a hospital room, but that
is what you’d expect in a
retirement home such as this
one. He got up, swinging his
legs to the ground where his
slippers were poised, waiting
for him. His roommate was
still alive. So was everyone
else. The nurses were bring
trays of food to the patients
who couldn’t leave their beds.
They did this every morning,
at 6:45. He walked down the
hall to get a copy of the paper.
The news looked the same.
He want back to his room and
sat down in his bed. Everything
was the same. And he was surprised.

Take The Pain

When I’m laying down in the sun
I close my eyes only so slightly
And the sun beats down and burns my face
And it penetrates my eyelids and scorches
My eyes. I strain to keep from squinting.
I struggle to keep my eyes just lightly closed
To survive the scorching light, the burning.

Do you understand this struggle, do you do this
To see how long you can take the pain

You know, when I struggle like this under the light
I can feel my lips beginning to part
And almost expect you to reach over and kiss me

There’s a fine line between pleaseure and pain

When I’m laying down in the sun
I close my eyes only so slightly

taking out the brain

i’m a med student
and for the past few weeks
we’ve been working on a cadeavor

at first
i didn’t want to know anything
about him
i covered the head of the guy
wanted to pay him some respect
i didn’t want to think
tat this person lived
before i dissected him

i hhad a hard time
taking out the brain
cause you know, that’s where
the memories are
that’s what makes him

it’s not so hard now
they get the bodies from the morgue
they’re homeless people, mostly
no family
it’s not so hard now

tanya’s story

(tanya’s middle name is marie, and her sister’s name tasha anna negron. she likes her sister’s name, but i told her that her name was nice, too. this is a story tanya made up for me at logan beach cafe. she was eating nachos with salsa. tanya is nine, going on ten.)

this is a story about summer. phil was riding his bike. phil is my brother. (how old is phil?) phil is 17, going on 18 years old. so he was riding his his bike in the park, and it was sunny, and joe-joe, he’s my other brother, he shot a bow and arrow at phil’s tires. and he hit the tires!!!! and phil got MAD. phil fell over, he hit his arm, but he was okay. so, since phil was mad, he ran after joe-joe, and he caught up to him and threw him on the ground. they started fighting, and my sister tasha came and told them to stop. but they didn’t stop, and so she called my dad. dad came came with the belt (ooh! -that’s my addition to the story. sorry.) it’s really a mexican belt. (what’s the difference between a mexican belt and a belt, say, not from mexico? am i asking too many questions?) it really big, and i got hit with it once. (ouch. -that’s my addition again. sorry.)

(oh, wait, she had to go get a drink, she was thirsty. making up stories is hard work.)

(okay, she’s coming back now.)

(so, what’s the end of the story? what happened?)

my brother joe had a black eye, phil gave it to him. so dad came and he hit them. and they stopped fighting then.

(okay, so we got the good-guy/bad guy thing covered, and an action scene, and a resolution. so most stories have a moral, so what’s the moral of this story?)

not to fight.

this halloween

this halloween i got a costume together
i wore a black page-boy wig,
a vinyl dress and matching vinyl boots

it was strange for me
i’m not such an outgoing person

and every time i was left alone at a bar
someone would hit on me
usually someone ugly
but i didn’t tell them to leave me alone:

i gave them a fake name, a fake number

and looking back, what made the difference
was not wearing the revealing clothes
but wearing a wig, changing my identity

and it’s not that i’d do it again
but i must admit
i really like being someone else
just for a little while

this is my dilemma

should I go to you
this is my dilemma

should I just
not care anymore
should I just
act the part
should I just
not care anymore
should I just
let you fuck me
should I just
not care anymore
should I just
kiss you

who cares
suck me in
take me in
who cares
throw me around
it’s okay
I’ve been thrown
around before

I’m used to this
I’m used to this routine:
back and forth,
and then forgetting

forgetting the feelings
forgetting your name

do it to me,
if you want

go ahead
feel free

I’ve felt it before
I’ve lived it before
I’ve known it before
I’ve lived it before

and no emotion is new
to me anymore

so should I
this is my dilemma

this is what it means

my son was shot
now he lives in his wheelchair
I hear him creek as he rolls down the hall

he’s a brave boy
it takes him such great strength to live
he always smiles

he can’t feel from the waist down
but he works so hard
he is so proud

once I came home
and he was so excited
you see, he took a rope

and a laundry basket
filled them up with snacks;
now he could
drag his snacks to his room
this was an accomplishment
he was so proud of himself

I held back my tears
he shouldn’t have to go through this
this is not how he should live

people don’t understand
when he has a bowel movement
he has to

reach inside of him
and pull it out
he can’t feel

this is what it means
for him to be in a wheelchair
to not feel

this may sound

i don’t know
this may sound silly
but every night
just before
I’m about to sleep
I think of you
and when I
turn out the light
and crawl into my
empty bed
a piece of me feels
I don’t know
what it is
but I feel a hole
right about where
my heart is
when I have to
lay there
night after night
all alone
when I am with you
I feel as if
I am complete
I feel as if
nothing in the
world matters
when you’re
holding my hand
with your
heart near me
then I can sleep
and then I
fall into my
empty bed
and I feel the
hole again
burning through
my heart
and I wish
I didn’t feel
so alone
and I wish
the hole would
just go away

This you don’t hate.

From the picture window
the snow drizzling down
fell effortlessly, silently:
I wondered if outside it

was as quiet as it looked.
The snow blanketed the
grass, past the pier his father
made last summer, out

over the lake. Everything
glowed in an untouched
whiteness. No footprints
yet. Just falling snow.

From the couch I looked
at the larger-than-life
snowflakes fall, one after
another, all gently gliding

down to the ground. I could
not look away. And you said:
This is why I like winters.
See, you hate winter in the

city, but this, this you
watch for hours and don’t
get tired of. This makes you
smile. This you don’t hate.

Copyright Janet Kuypers. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission.

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